Pastor Calvin's Blog

Pastor Calvin's Blog

June 2024 Lifeline

Summer is here! What an exciting time it is in the life of our church! We want to congratulate all of our seniors that have graduated from High School! Recently we recognized our college graduates. This coming Sunday, June 2, we are recognizing our High School graduates. We are so thankful for each of them and for their commitment to our Lord. Congratulations to all these families for the hard work and getting their kids through their high school days.…

May 2024 Lifeline

Dear Church Family, April was a busy month. I’m thankful for the way our church got out and ministered last weekend for Love Loud. We had five different groups ministering throughout our community and making a difference for Jesus. Gospel conversations were had and people were encouraged. Thank you, church family, for ministering to so many people and also for your gifts to Food4Kids that will impact the children of our community! Mother’s Day is always a special time. We…

April 2024 Lifeline

Dear Church Family, We have just experienced one of our most glorious Easter weekends ever! Every Sunday to the believer is Easter Sunday – it’s resurrection Sunday! But the actual Easter Sunday is always very special. To have people stir the waters of baptism was such a blessing. To have people make decisions for Christ in our service was a blessing. This year we did a Good Friday service which was new to us. What a blessing that was as…

March 2024 Lifeline

Dear Church Family, Easter will be the last Sunday of March, on the 31st. What a glorious day this will be! We will have a special fellowship in every Life Group. For many years, we have had biscuits on Easter Sunday. There’s a great story in the Old Testament that has led us to the special way we fellowship together on Easter Sunday. On Easter, we’re going to have one added feature – we will do a Good Friday service…

February 2024 Lifeline

Thank the Lord for the wonderful groundbreaking we had last Sunday! This has been a tremendous project that we have worked on now for well over a year. Thank you to brother Mike Weldon for your steady leadership of our committee! You have served our church well!  Now we must get the addition built! We have set aside a good portion of our funds to pay cash for this. I know you, the wonderful people of North Central, will want…

January 2024 Lifeline

Dear Church Family,   Happy New Year! 2024 gives us new opportunities to serve our Lord and to know Him even more closely. We discussed an End of the Year Journal on Sunday morning as well as a Bible reading plan for this year. Please find the link for those attached in this Lifeline. You can also find hard copies of these in the back of our worship center. I would encourage us all to read God’s Word every day and to learn from the lessons of…

December 2023 Lifeline

Merry Christmas! I can’t believe it’s already December! What a joy it is for us to worship our Lord at this Advent Christian season! We anticipate Christmas Day, the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the same way that the Old Testament followers of God anticipated the coming of the Messiah, we too as believers in Jesus at Christmas time anticipate the coming of Christmas Day and the advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are going to study Surprises in the Lineage of Jesus. You will be…

November 2023 Lifeline

Dear Church Family, There’s a little bit of change in the air with the temperatures. This means we’re getting closer and closer to cold weather. This is the time of harvest. This is the time we celebrate all that the Lord has done for us. It’s Thanksgiving! I certainly am thankful for you and for our church family. The unity and blessing that God is giving us is supernatural. We’re thankful for that. Our Harvest Festival Banquet is scheduled for…

October 2023 Lifeline

It is a joy to write to you following a glorious Sunday where we baptized 3 adults who are following the Lord! It is always a great joy to stir the baptismal waters. We will do so again this month on October 15. If you or someone you know needs to be baptized, contact us at the church office. We are thrilled to watch Jesus work in the hearts of our people as many come to know Him! Our Trunk…

September 2023 Lifeline

The Lord Jesus Christ is at work in the life of this precious fellowship of believers! We look forward to some tremendous opportunities God is giving us in the days ahead. Be praying for our Cuba mission trip scheduled for September 2-9. Pray for our participants: Patrick Inglett, Hobie Benson, Tommy Durrance, Jill Durrance, and Pastor Calvin. We will be doing construction, Vacation Bible School, preaching and testimonies, and sharing the gospel out in visitation. Be praying for God’s hand…

August 2023 Lifeline

We have been enjoying our Bible studies in the book of Genesis. Our theme is In the Beginning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis contain so much material that is foundational to our relationship with the Lord. From chapters 12 and following the foundation of God’s hand upon His people is found. What a joy it’s going to be to dig through these incredible passages of scripture. We enjoyed a fantastic Life Group Family Fellowship this past Sunday. As a…

July 2023 Lifeline

Dear Church Family, We have been having a Twists and Turns Summer! We have had some very special Wednesday night events that have brought our families together. The attendance has been fantastic for our Wednesday Night Supper and for our fellowship events this summer. As I write this article, we are preparing for a Backyard Bible Club to be held at Santa Fe Oaks Apartments across from the Santa Fe College campus. Our families will minister to the children of that…
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