Dear Church Family,
April was a busy month. I’m thankful for the way our church got out and ministered last weekend for Love Loud. We had five different groups ministering throughout our community and making a difference for Jesus. Gospel conversations were had and people were encouraged. Thank you, church family, for ministering to so many people and also for your gifts to Food4Kids that will impact the children of our community!
Mother’s Day is always a special time. We will celebrate our moms on May 12. Make sure and bring your mom with you to our service on May 12.
We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together on May 19. This is always a very special service because it was given to us by our Lord. Come prepared to reflect and remember all that Jesus has done for us as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper.
One of the most exciting days in the life of our church is our Beach Baptism! This year it is scheduled for May 26 at 5:00 PM at Butler Park. Many of our people leave right aȅer the morning service and head
over to the beach for the afternoon. Butler Park is right on Crescent Beach. It is a public park with parking, showers, restroom facilities, and a walkway straight down to the beach. All candidates for baptism will meet down on the beach at 5:00 PM. I hope to see all of the church family there to celebrate with those that will be baptized!
Our Awana program is coming to an end on May 22. We’re so thankful for Hannah Rynning and her amazing ministry as our Awana leader. We’re thankful for Jenna Rich coming on board and coming alongside Hannah and all the other Awana leaders. Join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of our children in the Awana program on Wednesday night, May 22.
We’re gearing up for an amazing summer that begins on June 5. Each week in the summer we have special events that are planned to build fellowship and community in the life of our church. I will be leading Prayer Meeting for our group at 4:00 PM, and we will be having our wonderful meals all summer long on Wednesday night. Please look in the Lifeline for all the details of our summer program.
I especially want our children to get signed up for VBS. This is available now for you to sign up. We will need all the help we can find to make this the very best VBS ever. Contact Jenna Rich, our Preschool and Children’s director, in the office to let her know that you can help.
Youth Camp is July the 15-19 at beautiful Lake Swan Camp. We provide one of the finest camps a young person can ever participate in. Brother Brandon has done an outstanding job in preparing for this camp. It’s going to be our best ever! Imagine a week with your friends, boating, tubing, swimming, games, Snack Shack, all types of activities in addition to the very best challenging Bible studies and worship experiences you can imagine. This is what Youth Camp 2024 is all about. Parents, please get your young people signed up.
I’m so grateful for the progress that is being made on our entryway enhancement. Steel roof joists are in place, and soon the entryway will be dried in. It’s getting close! We’ll really begin to see things happen in the days ahead. Our prayer is that this entryway will allow us to reach people more effectively for Christ and minister to people. It’s going to be a fabulous space!
It is such a joy to be your Pastor! I marvel at the way God continues to bless as we reach out, not only in Gainesville, but around the world. Please be praying for all of our members who have been commissioned to go to different places in the world to do ministry.
It’s so important that we undergird them in prayer. None of it could happen without your faithfulness in prayer and in commitment. We’re so grateful for you!
Love in Jesus,
Pastor Calvin