About Us
We desire to foster a Christ–centered community where students grow closer together with the ultimate goal of growing closer to Christ. First and foremost, we yearn to see students come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. Secondly, we want to equip students with all that they need to grow in their relationship with Him. Thirdly, we desire for students to discern how God has uniquely gifted them to serve within the church and also carry out the great commission. Lastly, we aim to equip our students with the tools and resources to do so.
Wednesday Nights
One of the best parts of the week for middle and high school students is North Central Youth. Youth is an awesome time of the week that runs from 6:00-7:30 pm with hangout time before and after. It is a youth worship experience where students can play games, praise God, and dive into His Word. Then, after His Word is preached, we break off into grade-based small groups to discuss what we learned from the lesson and how we can apply it to our lives. Our goal for this time is to learn relevant, practical, and timeless truths about God and to bring Him glory.
Sunday Mornings
This is a time of discussion that we call Life Group. Starting at 9:30 am, we have Life Groups for all ages that meet all over our campus (but we like to think that Youth Life Group has the most fun). Middle and high school students gather together as a large group, then break up into grade-based small groups to discuss the morning’s lesson. This is a time where students can really grow in their walk with God together.

Event Sign-Ups and Resources
To find free resources, event sign-up information, and all our other links, visit our Linktree by clicking here.
Connect With Us
To sign up for the weekly parent email list for updates on what your student is learning about, reminders, announcements, and upcoming events, click here (if you are not seeing the parent email in your mailbox, please check your spam and promotions folders).

About Our Youth Pastor, Brandon Glisson
What’s up? My name is Brandon, and I love Youth Ministry. I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Conflict and Communication from UCF, and I am currently pursuing my Masters in Divinity at South Western Theological Seminary. My preaching style is to preach through a book of the Bible one verse at a time. I love to explore God’s timeless truths and to present them in a practical way.
When I am not at church, you can find me playing Fortnite or Star Wars Battlefront II on my X-box, messing around on my guitar, or playing some tennis. I love the Gospel more than anything, and I am so blessed to be able to preach it every week. God has blessed me with an amazing wife name Emily who brings me closer to God every day.