Monthly Lifeline (Page 2)

Monthly Lifeline (Page 2)

October 2023 Lifeline

It is a joy to write to you following a glorious Sunday where we baptized 3 adults who are following the Lord! It is always a great joy to stir the baptismal waters. We will do so again this month on October 15. If you or someone you know needs to be baptized, contact us at the church office. We are thrilled to watch Jesus work in the hearts of our people as many come to know Him! Our Trunk…

September 2023 Lifeline

The Lord Jesus Christ is at work in the life of this precious fellowship of believers! We look forward to some tremendous opportunities God is giving us in the days ahead. Be praying for our Cuba mission trip scheduled for September 2-9. Pray for our participants: Patrick Inglett, Hobie Benson, Tommy Durrance, Jill Durrance, and Pastor Calvin. We will be doing construction, Vacation Bible School, preaching and testimonies, and sharing the gospel out in visitation. Be praying for God’s hand…

August 2023 Lifeline

We have been enjoying our Bible studies in the book of Genesis. Our theme is In the Beginning. The first 11 chapters of Genesis contain so much material that is foundational to our relationship with the Lord. From chapters 12 and following the foundation of God’s hand upon His people is found. What a joy it’s going to be to dig through these incredible passages of scripture. We enjoyed a fantastic Life Group Family Fellowship this past Sunday. As a…

July 2023 Lifeline

Dear Church Family, We have been having a Twists and Turns Summer! We have had some very special Wednesday night events that have brought our families together. The attendance has been fantastic for our Wednesday Night Supper and for our fellowship events this summer. As I write this article, we are preparing for a Backyard Bible Club to be held at Santa Fe Oaks Apartments across from the Santa Fe College campus. Our families will minister to the children of that…

June 2023 Lifeline

Dear Church Family, Congratulations to the Class of 2023! Our high school seniors will be recognized this coming Sunday, June 4, in our 10:45am worship service. We are so proud of these seniors. Many of them have grown up here and all are our champions for Christ. We are so proud of them. Congratulations parents for raising such fine young people! A special luncheon is prepared for them and their families following the morning service. On Monday, June 5 Rev. Brandon…

April 2023 Lifeline

Celebrate Easter with us! We will celebrate the Risen Savior this coming Sunday morning, Easter Sunday, in our 10:45 a.m. worship service! Oh, what a blessing it is to focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ and all that it means to us as believers! Come early at 9:30 to involve yourself in one of our Life Groups. We will be having biscuits from the Flying Biscuit Café  for all adults in each Life Group. Preschool, children, and youth workers will…

March 2023 Lifeline

It is a joy to write to you today about some unique and wonderful opportunities we have before us as a church family. This month we will have an opportunity to hear from our Entryway Enhancement Committee. As you know our committee has been working for nearly two years to make a recommendation about how to provide our church family with a beautiful new entrance with restroom facilities and all that we need as our people and guests from our community…

February 2023 Lifeline

What a joy it is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ with you! Our North Central family has a passion to take the gospel to our community and even the world. We want to be a disciple making church that sends His disciples into the world with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Surviving vs Thriving is the theme for DNow weekend, February 10-12. Adam Venters, the BCM Director at the University of South Carolina, will be our special guest speaker. Wow!…

January 2023 Lifeline

Happy New Year! We have had a tremendous 2022 and we’re praying that 2023 is our best year ever! I hope you took advantage of the Year End Life Journal that Dr. Waylon Moore wrote that we studied this past Sunday. Please get you a copy if you have not received one.   We resume our study in the book of Acts this coming Sunday. Read ahead in Acts chapter 21 as we continue our final days of studying this tremendous book. …
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