Celebrate Easter with us! We will celebrate the Risen Savior this coming Sunday morning, Easter Sunday, in our 10:45 a.m. worship service! Oh, what a blessing it is to focus on the resurrection of Jesus Christ and all that it means to us as believers! Come early at 9:30 to involve yourself in one of our Life Groups. We will be having biscuits from the Flying Biscuit Café for all adults in each Life Group. Preschool, children, and youth workers will enjoy biscuits as well as all of our adult classes. Each department will have a special lesson and special time of fellowship to celebrate Easter. You don’t want to miss it. Following Easter I want to encourage you to continue to invite people to our C4 events. C4 stands for Connecting our Community to Christ and his Church.
On April 16th, one week after Easter Sunday, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper in a service we call One Week Later. How are the people of God to live in light of the Resurrection? This is the question that we will answer. This has become a tradition in our church where we read scripture and evaluate the claims of Christ upon our lives, so I encourage you to be here on the 16th to participate in the service and to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Bring someone with you!
We will have a Life Group breakfast on Sunday April 23rd in the main auditorium for all adult classes college and up. We do this from time to time where we try to get all of our adults together for fellowship. We’re thankful for all of our leaders that work in our youth ages on down. They will have a special breakfast as well. This is another great opportunity to bring someone April 23rd.
April 30th is Orange Bucket Sunday! Get your bucket this coming Sunday, April 9th and take these next 3 weeks to fill it with non-perishable items that will be used by Food4kids which helps to feed hungry kids in our Alachua County region. There is a list you will receive when you get your bucket that tells you the items that are needed . We will bring these buckets back on Sunday morning, April 30th.
On May 7th we will do our Love Loud emphasis. We are lining up opportunities for our church family to participate in ministry on the weekend of May 7th. It is our hearts’ desire to love our community well! We have several opportunities for ministry together. We look forward to it! Be on the lookout for sign-ups soon!
I want you to be ready for a unique schedule we’re having this summer. We’re calling it A Twist and Turn Summer. Our VBS theme this year is Twists and Turns. We’re going to adopt that theme for our summer ministry. There are five special weeks that are being planned right now for you and your family and for all of our young people and children. Each Wednesday night we will have our 4:00 PM Prayer Meeting and Bible Study, our 5:00 PM supper, and then we are “twisting and turning our schedule” for some unique opportunities for our families to fellowship together. These include Waterpark Wednesday, a VBS themed escape room, game night, and other things as well. You don’t want to miss it! Make sure you’re involved in our summer ministry!
This past Sunday our church voted to proceed on our Entryway Enhancement. We’re grateful and thankful for the blessing of our church’s affirmation for the hard work that our committees have done in bringing these recommendations to the church. Please be praying for the design process that we are entering into now and that we can get started very quickly.
Please pray about your part in a raising the remaining monies that will be needed to complete the project. We need those funds now to ensure that every penny of this will be paid as the monies are needed. We need every member of North Central to take part in this special effort. We are so thankful for over 3/4 of the funds we will need having already been provided through faithful giving and the tightening of our belt to save all that we could save. God has been so good to us!
It is a joy to be your Pastor! God has blessed the wonderful fellowship of believers at North Central Baptist Church. May God’s hand rest upon this precious fellowship.
Love in Jesus,
Pastor Calvin