Happy New Year! We have had a tremendous 2022 and we’re praying that 2023 is our best year ever! I hope you took advantage of the Year End Life Journal that Dr. Waylon Moore wrote that we studied this past Sunday. Please get you a copy if you have not received one.
We resume our study in the book of Acts this coming Sunday. Read ahead in Acts chapter 21 as we continue our final days of studying this tremendous book.
Our Wednesday nights are beginning back on January 4th. Our Bible study on Wednesdays is The Greatest Stories Ever Told: The Parables of Jesus. We begin this study at 4:00pm on Wednesday afternoon. At 5:00pm we have our family supper. This is a great time of fellowship for our church family. At 6:00pm we will begin with activities for our preschool and children in the Awana program and our teenagers that meet in their midweek service.
DNow is scheduled for February the 10-12. Adam Venters from the University of South Carolina will be the speaker. This is going to be a tremendous event for our teenagers. Save the date!
Our college students are away at the Life Impact Conference in Rincon, Georgia. This is always a tremendous week for our students in learning to be a disciple and make disciples. We look forward to all our college students being back with us soon as they begin a new semester at UF and Santa Fe.
Our men will gather again for a men’s breakfast on Saturday, January 28 at 8:00am. This is a 1-hour meeting that includes breakfast and an encouraging message. We have been so blessed to have 70 men involved in this wonderful breakfast time. Our men need one another; they encourage one another; they challenge one another. Don’t miss being a part of this men’s breakfast!
In December we took up the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for foreign missions. This is our Southern Baptist Convention’s prime emphasis on giving to missions and every penny goes to the field to reach people for Christ. Our goal was $22,000 and we collected $41,343.71 for our Lottie Moon Offering! What a phenomenal blessing this is!
I’m so thankful for a mission minded church! As we think about our purpose in making disciples let’s always remember that it involves going and sharing Christ with others. In the days ahead let’s focus on ways that we can share our faith and reach those that need Christ with the glorious Gospel of Jesus!
It is a joy to be your Pastor!
Pastor Calvin