Dear Church Family,
Congratulations to the Class of 2023! Our high school seniors will be recognized this coming Sunday, June 4, in our 10:45am worship service. We are so proud of these seniors. Many of them have grown up here and all are our champions for Christ. We are so proud of them. Congratulations parents for raising such fine young people! A special luncheon is prepared for them and their families following the morning service.
On Monday, June 5 Rev. Brandon Glisson is going to join our staff as our new Associate Pastor for Youth and Families. Brandon is originally from the Orlando area and will be joining us as our staff leader of our young people. He’s engaged to his fiancée Emily and their wedding date is July 1. Please join me in welcoming Brandon to our church family beginning Monday, June 5! Our young people are having a fellowship to get to know Brandon this Wednesday, June 7 with an Open Gym in the main auditorium beginning at 6:30pm. This will be a great time for the students to hang out, eat pizza, and fellowship with our new Youth Pastor Brandon Glisson. It’s going to be special!
This past Wednesday we had our Awana awards ceremony. What a tremendous year the Lord has given us in Awana! Thank you to Hannah Rynning for her hard work as our Awana commander. She does such an outstanding job!
Twists and Turns Summer begins on Wednesday night, June 14. This is our new summer program with all sorts of activities to promote fellowship between all of our North Central family. We will have Prayer Meeting and Bible Study at 4:00pm each Wednesday and our Wednesday Night Supper at 5:00. Every summer Wednesday night there will be something unique and special planned for you. Our teenagers will be meeting for their regular Wednesday worship. It is going to be a wonderful time this summer in fellowship together!
We will be celebrating the Lord’s Supper June 11. We look forward to this time as we participate in the service that was given to us by our Lord.
Father’s Day is Sunday, June 18. We’ll celebrate all of the dads and the impact that they have on our lives.
We have some dates we want you to mark down for your calendar in July. Our Vacation Bible School is scheduled for July 10-14 and our Youth Camp is scheduled for July 23-27. Mark these dates down and get your children registered for these special events! You can register for both of these on our church website now.
It is such a joy to be your Pastor! We pray for God’s mighty hand upon our work here at North Central. May the Lord bless this precious fellowship of believers.
Love in Jesus!
Pastor Calvin