Dear Church Family,
What a blessing it is to worship together and see all that the Lord is doing this summer!
We are looking forward to the completion of our building. This last Sunday in a Business Meeting, our church voted to fully fund the completion of our building. That means when we walk in that building, we will be completely and totally debt-free! It’s because of the faithful tithing and giving over and above the tithe of our people to our general fund and to our building fund that we were able to do this. Every penny you give touches the world through our International Mission Board. It touches North America through the North American Mission Board and church planting, and it reaches out to those in need. In addition, it funds all the ministries of our church which make a tremendous impact upon our own young people, families, single adults, college students, and our wonderful seniors. We’re so grateful for the faithful giving of God’s people.
This new addition is going to be wonderful! It is going to be here just in time for our new school year and the reaching of new people for Christ. Be praying that this edition is utilized to its very max to reach new people for Christ!
This past Sunday we celebrated the Lord’s Supper. I’m so thankful for our deacons who served us the elements of the Lord’s Supper. This is the first time they have actually passed out the elements to us in approximately 4 years. Whenever we celebrate the Lord’s Supper it’s a time of reflection where we remember all that Jesus has done for us. The Christian life is a life with a future leaning. We’re always looking to grow spiritually more in the likeness of Christ, to make a greater impact for Jesus Christ and to be His ambassadors. In order to do this though, we’re always remembering. We never want to forget what Jesus has done for us and where we would be without Jesus Christ. I have no idea where I would be without Christ, but I’m so thankful that Jesus saved me and has saved you. We look forward to these times of where we come to the Lord’s table together as a family to remember what Jesus has done for us.
Vacation Bible School is just around the corner, July 8-12. Jenna Rich, Lee Anne Privette, and our entire staff of volunteers are prepared to provide the very best for our children through Vacation Bible School. I want to encourage you that when you read this to pick up the phone and invite some families in your neighborhood to involve their children in our Vacation Bible School. So many seeds are planted in sweet little hearts of children to know that Jesus loves them and has a plan for their life. Vacation Bible School may be one of the most impactful things that churches do today. Ours will be extra special!
Our Youth Camp is also just around the corner. The Lord saved me at a youth camp during my high school days. I’ll never forget being in that congregation of young people and the gospel became clear to me. It was as if it was Jesus and me in the room by ourselves. The Lord laid his claim upon my heart. My whole life was changed as a result of this. I’m praying that God would do the same for young people in our church and the friends that they bring. Would you make sure your teenager is signed up for youth camp? We do our very best to provide the most exciting, fun, powerful camp for a great value. You check it out- many youth camps cost hundreds of dollars more than ours does. And yet we still have a full 5 days of camp and an incredible time swimming, boating, playing games, and hearing great Bible teaching as well as great times of worship. We’re so thankful for brother Brandon Glisson and our volunteers who will be counselors. You can sign up online today. Please do so and invite a teenager who could use encouragement to be a part of camp.
Our Summer Wednesday nights have been fantastic! We are having our All-American Night July 3 where we will serve hamburgers and apple pie. We will not have Wednesday night activities July 10 during VBS week, but the following week, July 17 we will have Water Park Wednesday. All of our children look forward to this wonderful event. Our kids that have been doing summer reading will also have the culmination of their reading program with the prize room for all the reading they’ve done. Don’t miss this particular Wednesday night, July 17. We will take a break from our Wednesday nights on July 24 and 31 and also on August 7 in order to clean our kitchen to get ready for the new year. Be on the lookout for new families in your neighborhood that have moved here and are getting their kids started in schools as well as students that are coming to the university. I’m so excited about the fall and all that God is going to do in our church family.
Our studies in Genesis have been extra special. Our theme right now in Genesis 37-50 is, “God meant it for good.” Joseph was someone who faced some very difficult circumstances, but in the end of it all he said to his brothers, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” The promise is that no matter what we face, God can use it in our own lives and in the lives of others. This is how God used Joseph to impact so many people. As believers if we can get a hold of that truth, that no matter what comes into our life, Jesus Christ can take those circumstances and somehow turn it for good. This is a tremendous truth for each of us.
What a blessing it is to worship with you week by week and for us to live life together. It is the highlight of our lives to know one another and to be a part of a church family. May God bless this precious fellowship of believers we call North Central Baptist Church.
Love in Jesus,
Pastor Calvin