Dear Church Family,
Trunk or Treat is scheduled for October the 30 at 6:00 p.m. $1 gets you a corn dog and a drink. The trunks will be out and the kids will be here! We are needing you to volunteer! We are asking you to volunteer to decorate a trunk for this incredible outreach. We also need candy, so if you can bring candy and put it in the bin to donate it would help us greatly. We’re expecting hundreds more than we had last year. This is a great opportunity for our church to reach out to our community with the gospel of Jesus.
Our Wednesday nights are so exciting here at North Central. We’re having a great time in our Prayer Meeting and Bible Study that takes place at 4:00 p.m. We sing the great hymns of the faith, have a Bible study together, and spend special time in prayer. Our Wednesday Night Supper is a highlight of the evening. Walt and Stacy Darty and their team do such a fantastic job providing us wonderful meals that we can enjoy. We have the best price in Gainesville- $6 for adults, $18 for an entire family. We probably will go up on these prices in January. The price of food just continues to skyrocket, but even at the new price it’s the best deal for a full meal with dessert and drink. After dinner, our Awana Ministry, our Youth Ministry, and all our other activities take place at 6:00 p.m. Our Awana and youth programs are booming with new students and excitement. Don’t miss Wednesday nights at our church!
You may not know this but there are two brand new classes that have just begun in our Life Group ministry. One meets on Monday night, and one meets on Thursday night. On Monday nights Halle White is meeting with college girls for a special Bible study and Life Group meeting. David and Mary Ann Fox are teaching a brand new newlywed class for young couples. These young couples are newlyweds without children and are enjoying this special and sweet time on Thursday nights at 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. David and Mary Ann have been a blessing to our fellowship for many, many years. They carry great wisdom and have much to offer in practical teaching and Bible study to this special group of young couples.
It is so important that we reach out to new folks that come our way. You all are the best at this. Everywhere I turn people tell me we have a friendly church! There are so many people searching and needing encouragement. Invite people to come and be a part of your Bible study. This is so important for the spiritual growth of our fellowship.
Operation Christmas Child: A ministry of Samaritan’s Purse is a powerful ministry! We have made it our passion at Christmas time to pack as many boxes as we can for children around the world! There are several ways that you can participate. The first way is for you to obtain a box (or several boxes) from our church and fill it. Bring it back to the church on November 17. Another way you can participate is to go online and donate the funds for the box to be built by Samaritan’s Purse. If you do it that way, make sure and do it under our code so that we have it in our count.
I mentioned several weeks ago about the importance of training our children in giving. Every member of our church should receive a pink envelope and every child in that home should receive a pink envelope as well. Let me encourage you, even if you give online to allow your children to use the pink envelopes. Take a tithe of their allowance or perhaps provide the tithe for them (this is what my mom used to do when I was little), put that offering in the envelope, and let your child bring it to one of our giving boxes on Sunday morning. The habit of them bringing their envelope is part of the training in helping our young ones learn the importance of giving. I was taught even before I became a Christian as a teenager that giving was important in the Christian life. It’s important that our young ones learn to give when money does not have its hold around their little hearts. The Bible teaches that the tithe is the Lord’s and the tithe is holy unto the Lord. “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,” saith the Lord, and He gives us a promise, “and see if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour out on you such a blessing that there’s not room enough to receive it.”
It is such a joy to be your pastor. God is at work in our midst. I’m praising God for all that He is doing in our church.
God bless you,
Pastor Calvin